Coffee and singing.
Modern man is very familiar with the taste of coffee. Doctors recommend it for people with low blood pressure, it helps fight fatigue, etc. However, different opinions have often been heard about its significance in terms of singing. How is it really?
Did you know that drinking coffee before singing is not recommended? Coffee is widely known as a diuretic, which means that a person loses water faster when they drink it. When singing, it can take the form of a dry feeling in the mouth and throat, which can lead to an uncontrollable urge to swallow saliva, sudden loss of sound or even "fractures" of the voice (loosening of the vocal cords).
Also, drinking too much coffee on a daily basis can interfere with even the vocalist's phonation. A study was carried out in 1999, but the effect of coffee on the vocal cords varied considerably from one participant to another.
Coffee is also known for its exhilarating effect - it raises the heart rate, general body temperature, etc. Therefore, it is especially not recommended before a performance, especially if you have feelings of anxiety, stress. The healthy amount of coffee that experts recommend is ~ 100 ml, or one cup of coffee a day. Of course, provided you do not drink it before singing or in parallel with singing.
The best way to moisturize thirst and vocal cords is to drink still water or lemon water at room temperature. Recommended amount per day: 8 glasses. Linda Auziņa, the vocal coach of our studio, reveals that before each performance, she drinks 6 glasses of water, and starts it the night before. Drinking water last minute does not matter much, because the vocal cords are mainly moisturized from inside of the body. But it is a good way to reduce stress.
Summary: A singer may consume coffee, but this should be avoided on days when singing or performing is scheduled.